替换根目录下 wordfile.txt
//L1"C/C++" C_LANG Line Comment = // Block Comment On = /* Block Comment Off = */ Escape Char = \ String Chars = "' File Extensions = C CPP CC CXX H HPP AWK/Delimiters = <> , .?/Function String = "%^([a-zA-Z_0-9^[^]*]+^)[ ^t]+([^p*&:, ^t^[^]a-zA-Z_0-9.!]++)[~;]"/Function String 1 = "%[a-zA-Z_0-9*]*::^([a-zA-Z_0-9^~]+^)[ ^t^p]++([^p*&:, ^t^[^]/*^-'=:&a-zA-Z_0-9./(!]++)[~;]"/Function String 2 = "%[a-zA-Z_0-9][a-zA-Z_0-9^[^]]+[ ^t*]+^([a-zA-Z_0-9]+^)[ ^t]++([^p*&:, ^t^[^]a-zA-Z_0-9./(!]++)[~;]"/Function String 3 = "%[a-zA-Z_0-9*&$^[^]*]+[ ^t]+[a-zA-Z_0-9*&$^[^]]+[ ^t*]+^([a-zA-Z_0-9]+^)[ ^t]++([^p*&:, ^t^[^]a-zA-Z_0-9./(!]++)[~;]"/Function String 4 = "%[a-z_0-9^[^]*]++ [a-z_0-9*^[^]]+[ ^t]++[a-z_0-9*^[^]]+[ ^t]++^([*a-z_0-9]+^)[ ^t]++([^p*&:, ^t^[^]a-z_0-9./(!]++)[~;]"/Function String 5 = "%^([a-zA-Z_0-9^[^]*]+^)[ ^t]++([^p*&:, ^t^[^]a-zA-Z_0-9./()!]++)[~;]"/Member String = "^([A-Za-z0-9_:.]+^)[ ^t^*&]+$S[ ^t^[^]A-Za-z0-9_]++[(-);,]"/Variable String = "%[ ^t]++^([!-~ ^t<>]+*[~a-z^p]^)$S[ ^t;,()^-]"/Indent Strings = "{" "if" "else" ":"/Unindent Strings = "}"/Open Brace Strings = "{" "(" "["/Close Brace Strings = "}" ")" "]"/Open Fold Strings = "{"/Close Fold Strings = "}"/C1"Keywords" STYLE_KEYWORD#define #elif #else #endif #error #if #ifdef #ifndef #include #include_next #line #pragma #undef__asm __based __cdecl __declspec __except __far __fastcall __finally __fortran __huge __inline __int16__int32 __int64 __int8 __interrupt __leave __loadds __near __pascal __saveregs __segment __segname __self__stdcall __try __uuidofautobool breakcase char const continuedefault defined do doubleelse enum externfloat forgotoif intlongregister returnshort signed sizeof static struct switchtypedefunion unsignedvoid volatilewhile/C2"C++ Keywords" STYLE_KEYWORD__multiple_inheritance __single_inheritance __virtual_inheritancecatch class const_castdelete dynamic_castexplicit exportfalse friendinlinemutablenamespace newoperatorprivate protected publicreinterpret_caststatic_casttemplate this throw true try typeid typenameusingvirtualwchar_t/C3"Microsoft C extensions" STYLE_EXTENSIONdllexport dllimportnakedthreaduuid/C4"Operators" STYLE_OPERATOR!%&*+-// /<=>^|~/L2"Visual Basic" VB_LANG Line Comment = ' File Extensions = BAS FRM CLS VB VBS VBA CTL
/Function String = "%*^{Sub^}^{Function^}*("/Open Brace Strings = "{" "(" "[" "<"/Close Brace Strings = "}" ")" "]" ">"/Indent Strings = "Then" "Select Case" "Do While" "Do Until" "Else" "Do" "<td>" "<tr>"/Unindent Strings = "End" "Next" "End If" "End Select" "Loop" "End Select" "Loop While" "Else" "</TD>" "</tr>"/Open Fold Strings = "If" "ElseIf" "Function" "Sub" "With" "Do" "For" "While" "Select Case" "Case Else" "Case" "Else"/Close Fold Strings = "ElseIf" "End If" "End Function" "End Sub" "End With" "Loop" "Next" "Wend" "End Select" "Case Else" "Case" "Else"/Ignore Fold Strings = "Exit Function" "Exit Sub" "Declare Function" /C1"Functions" STYLE_FUNCTIONAbs Array Asc AscB AscW Atn AvgCBool CByte CCur CDate CDbl CInt CLng CSng CStr CVDate CVErr CVar Cdec Choose Chr ChrB ChrW Command CosCount CreateObject CurDirDDB Date DateAdd DateDiff DatePart DateSerial DateValue Day Dir DoEventsEOF Environ Error ExpFV FileAttr FileDateTime FileLen Fix Format FreeFileGetAllStrings GetAttr GetAutoServerSettings GetObject GetSettingHex HourIIf IMEStatus IPmt InStr Input InputB InputBox InstB Int IsArray IsDate IsEmpty IsError IsMissing IsNullIsNumeric IsObjectLBound LCase LOF LTrim Left LeftB Len LenB LoadPicture LocMIRR Max Mid MidB Min Minute Month MsgBoxNPV NPer NowOctPPmt PV Partition PmtQBColorRGB RTrim Rate Right RightB RndSLN SYD Second Seek Sgn Shell Sin Space Spc Sqr StDev StDevP Str StrComp StrConv String Sum SwitchTab Tan Time TimeSerial TimeValue Timer Trim TypeNameUBound UCaseVal Var VarP VarTypeWeekdayYear/C2"Methods" STYLE_METHODAccept Activate Add AddCustom AddFile AddFromFile AddFromTemplate AddItem AddNew AddToAddInToolbarAddToolboxProgID Append AppendChunk Arrange Assert AsyncReadBatchUpdate BeginTrans BindCanPropertyChange Cancel CancelAsyncRead CancelBatch CancelUpdate CaptureImage CellText CellValue CircleClear ClearFields ClearSel ClearSelCols Clone Close Cls ColContaining ColumnSize CommitTransCompactDatabase Compose Connect Copy CopyQueryDef CreateDatabase CreateDragImage CreateEmbed CreateFieldCreateGroup CreateIndex CreateLink CreatePreparedStatement CreatePropery CreateQuery CreateQueryDefCreateRelation CreateTableDef CreateUser CreateWorkspace CustomizeDelete DeleteColumnLabels DeleteColumns DeleteRowLabels DeleteRows DoVerb Drag DrawEdit EditCopy EditPaste EndDoc EnsureVisible EstablishConnection Execute ExtractIconFetch FetchVerbs Files FillCache Find FindFirst FindItem FindLast FindNext FindPrevious ForwardGetBookmark GetChunk GetClipString GetData GetFirstVisible GetFormat GetHeader GetLineFromChar GetNumTicksGetRows GetSelectedPart GetText GetVisibleCount GoBack GoForwardHide HitTest HoldFieldsIdle InitializeLabels InsertColumnLabels InsertColumns InsertObjDlg InsertRowLabels InsertRows ItemKillDocLayout Line LinkExecute LinkPoke LinkRequest LinkSend Listen LoadFile LoadResData LoadResPictureLoadResString LogEventMakeCompileFile MakeReplica MoreResults Move MoveData MoveFirst MoveLast MoveNext MovePreviousNavigateTo NewPage NewPassword NextRecordsetOLEDrag OnAddinsUpdate OnConnection OnDisconnection OnStartupComplete Open OpenConnection OpenDatabaseOpenQueryDef OpenRecordset OpenResultset OpenURL OverlayPSet PaintPicture PastSpecialDlg Paste PeekData Play Point PopulatePartial PopupMenu Print PrintFormPropertyChangedQuitRaise RandomDataFill RandomFillColumns RandomFillRows ReFill ReadFromFile ReadProperty Rebind RefreshRefreshLink RegisterDatabase Reload Remove RemoveAddInFromToolbar RemoveItem Render RepairDatabase ReplyReplyAll Requery ResetCustom ResetCustomLabel ResolveName RestoreToolbar Resync Rollback RollbackTransRowBookmark RowContaining RowTopSave SaveAs SaveFile SaveToFile SaveToOle1File SaveToolbar Scale ScaleX ScaleY Scroll SelPrint SelectSelectAll SelectPart Send SendData Set SetAutoServerSettings SetData SetFocus SetOption SetSize SetTextSetViewport Show ShowColor ShowFont ShowHelp ShowOpen ShowPrinter ShowSave ShowWhatsThis SignOff SignOnSize Span SplitContaining StartLabelEdit StartLogging Stop SynchronizeTextHeight TextWidth ToDefaults TwipsToChartPart TypeByChartTypeUpdate UpdateControls UpdateRecord UpdateRow UptoWhatsThisMode WritePropertyZOrderrdoCreateEnvironment rdoRegisterDataSource/C3"Events" STYLE_EVENTAccessKeyPress AfterAddFile AfterChangeFileName AfterCloseFile AfterColEdit AfterColUpdate AfterDeleteAfterInsert AfterLabelEdit AfterRemoveFile AfterUpdate AfterWriteFile AmbienChanged ApplyChanges AssociateAsyncReadComplete AxisActivated AxisLabelActivated AxisLabelSelected AxisLabelUpdated AxisSelectedAxisTitleActivated AxisTitleSelected AxisTitleUpdated AxisUpdatedBeforeClick BeforeColEdit BeforeColUpdate BeforeConnect BeforeDelete BeforeInsert BeforeLabelEditBeforeLoadFile BeforeUpdate ButtonClick ButtonCompleted ButtonGotFocus ButtonLostFocusChange ChartActivated ChartSelected ChartUpdated Click ColEdit ColResize Collapse ColumnClick CompareConfigChageCancelled ConfigChanged ConnectionRequestDataArrival DataChanged DataUpdated DblClick Deactivate DevModeChange DeviceArrival DeviceOtherEventDeviceQueryRemove DeviceQueryRemoveFailed DeviceRemoveComplete DeviceRemovePending DisconnectDisplayChanged Dissociate DoGetNewFileName Done DonePainting DownClick DragDrop DragOver DropDownEditProperty EnterCell EnterFocus Event ExitFocus ExpandFootnoteActivated FootnoteSelected FootnoteUpdatedGotFocusHeadClickInfoMessage IniProperties Initialize ItemActivated ItemAdded ItemCheck ItemClick ItemReloaded ItemRemovedItemRenamed ItemSeletectedKeyDown KeyPress KeyUpLeaveCell LegendActivated LegendSelected LegendUpdated LinkClose LinkError LinkNotify LinkOpen LoadLostFocusMouseDown MouseMove MouseUpNodeClickOLECompleteDrag OLEDragDrop OLEDragOver OLEGiveFeedback OLESetData OLEStartDrag ObjectMove OnAddNew OnCommPaint PanelClick PanelDblClick PathChange PatternChange PlotActivated PlotSelected PlotUpdatedPointActivated PointLabelActivated PointLabelSelected PointLabelUpdated PointSelected PointUpdatedPowerQuerySuspend PowerResume PowerStatusChanged PowerSuspendQueryChangeConfig QueryComplete QueryCompleted QueryTimeout QueryUnloadReadProperties Reposition RequestChangeFileName RequestWriteFile Resize ResultsChanged RowColChangeRowCurrencyChange RowResize RowStatusChangedSelChange SelectionChanged SendComplete SendProgress SeriesActivated SeriesSelected SeriesUpdatedSettingChanged SplitChange StateChanged StatusUpdate SysColorsChangedTerminate TimeChanged TitleActivated TitleSelectedUnboundAddData UnboundDeleteRow UnboundGetRelativeBookmark UnboundReadData UnboundWriteData Unload UpClickUpdatedValidate ValidationErrorWillAssociate WillChangeData WillDissociate WillExecute WillUpdateRows WithEvents WriteProperties/C4"Statements" STYLE_STATEMENTAppActivateBase Beep Boolean ByRef ByValCall Case ChDir ChDrive ConstDeclare DefBool DefByte DefCur DefDate DefDbl DefDec DefInt DefLng DefObj DefSng DefStr DefVar DeftypeDeleteSetting Dim Do DoubleElse ElseIf End Enum Erase Exit ExplicitFalse FileCopy Finalize For ForEach Friend FunctionGet GoSub GoToIf Implements Imports IntegerKillLSet Let LineInput LockMe MkDir MyBase MyBase.Finalize MyBase.NewName Namespace New Next NothingOn OnError Option OverridesPrivate Property Protected Public PutRSet RaiseEvent Randomize ReDim ReadOnly Rem Reset Resume Return RmDirSavePicture SaveSetting SendKeys SetAttr Static Structure SubThen To True TypeUnlockWend While Width With Write/C5"Operators" STYLE_OPERATOR&*+-.// /<=And AndAlso AsEqvImp IsLikeModNotOr OrElseXor\^/L3"HTML" HTML_LANG Nocase Noquote Block Comment On = <!-- Block Comment Off = --> File Extensions = HTM HTML SHTML HTT HTA HTX CFM JSP PHP PHTML ASP
/Delimiters = <> , .?/Function String = "<form*>"/Member String = "$S[ ^t]++=[ ^t&]++new[ ^t]+^([A-Za-z_]+[A-Za-z0-9_]++^)"/Variable String = "$S[ ^t]++=[ ^t&]++new[ ^t]+^([A-Za-z_]+[A-Za-z0-9_]++^)"/Indent Strings = "<"/Unindent Strings = "</"/Open Brace Strings = "{" "(" "[" "<"/Close Brace Strings = "}" ")" "]" ">"/C1"Tags" STYLE_TAG<A </A> <ABBR> <ABBR </ABBR> <ABOVE> <ACRONYM> <ACRONYM </ACRONYM> <ADDRESS> <ADDRESS </ADDRESS><APPLET </APPLET> <AREA </AREA <ARRAY><B> <B </B> <BASE <BASEFONT <BDO> <BDO </BDO> <BGSOUND <BIG> <BIG </BIG> <BLINK> <BLINK </BLINK><BLOCKQUOTE> <BLOCKQUOTE </BLOCKQUOTE> <BODY> <BODY </BODY> <BOX> <BR/> <BR> <BR <BUTTON> </BUTTON><CAPTION> <CAPTION </CAPTION> <CENTER> <CENTER </CENTER> <CITE> <CITE </CITE> <CODE> <CODE </CODE><COL> <COL <COLGROUP> <COLGROUP </COLGROUP> <COMMENT> </COMMENT><DD> <DD </DD> <DEL> <DEL </DEL> <DFN> <DFN </DFN> <DIR> <DIR </DIR> <DIV> <DIV </DIV> <DL> <DL </DL><DT> <DT </DT><EM> <EM </EM> <EMBED<FIELDSET> <FIELDSET </FIELDSET> <FIG> <FONT </FONT> <FORM> <FORM </FORM> <FRAME <FRAMESET </FRAMESET><H1> <H1 </H1> <H2> <H2 </H2> <H3> <H3 </H3> <H4> <H4 </H4> <H5> <H5 </H5> <H6> <H6 </H6> <HEAD> <HEAD</HEAD> <HR/> <HR> <HR <HTML> <HTML </HTML><I> <I </I> <IFRAME> <IFRAME </IFRAME> <ILAYER> </ILAYER> <IMG <INPUT> <INPUT <INS> <INS </INS> <ISINDEX> <ISINDEX<KBD> <KBD </KBD><LABEL> <LABEL </LABEL> <LAYER> <LAYER </LAYER> <LEGEND> <LEGEND </LEGEND> <LI> <LI </LI> <LINK <LISTING></LISTING><MAP </MAP> <MARQUEE </MARQUEE> <MENU> <MENU </MENU> <META <MULTICOL> </MULTICOL><NEXTID <NOBR> </NOBR> <NOFRAMES> </NOFRAMES> <NOLAYER> </NOLAYER> <NOSCRIPT> </NOSCRIPT> <NOTE> </NOTE><OBJECT> <OBJECT </OBJECT> <OL> <OL </OL> <OPTGROUP> <OPTGROUP </OPTGROUP> <OPTION> <OPTION </OPTION><P> <P </P> <PARAM <PRE> <PRE </PRE><Q> <Q </Q> <QUOTE><RANGE> <ROOT><S> <S </S> <SAMP> <SAMP </SAMP> <SCRIPT> <SCRIPT </SCRIPT> <SELECT> <SELECT </SELECT> <SMALL> <SMALL</SMALL> <SOUND <SPACER> <SPAN> <SPAN </SPAN> <SQRT> <STRIKE> <STRIKE </STRIKE> <STRONG> <STRONG </STRONG><STYLE> <STYLE </STYLE> <SUB> <SUB </SUB> <SUP> <SUP </SUP><TABLE> <TABLE </TABLE> <TBODY> <TBODY </TBODY> <TD> <TD </TD> <TEXT> <TEXTAREA> <TEXTAREA </TEXTAREA><TFOOT> <TFOOT </TFOOT> <TH> <TH </TH> <THEAD> <THEAD </THEAD> <TITLE> </TITLE> <TR> <TR </TR> <TT><TT </TT><U> <U </U> <UL> <UL </UL><VAR> <VAR </VAR><WBR><XMP> </XMP>// />>/C2"Attributes" STYLE_ATTRIBUTEABBR= ACCEPT-CHARSET= ACCEPT= ACCESSKEY= ACTION= ALIGN= ALINK= ALT= ARCHIVE= AXIS=BACKGROUND= BEHAVIOR BEHAVIOR> BELOW BELOW> BGCOLOR= BORDER=CELLPADDING= CELLSPACING= CHAR= CHAROFF= CHARSET= CHECKED CHECKED> CITE= CLASS= CLASSID= CLEAR= CODE=CODEBASE= CODETYPE= COLOR= COLS= COLSPAN= COMPACT COMPACT> CONTENT= COORDS=DATA= DATETIME= DECLARE DECLARE> DEFER DEFER> DIR= DISABLED DISABLED>ENCTYPE=FACE= FOR= FRAME= FRAMEBORDER= FRAMESPACING=HEADERS= HEIGHT= HIDDEN= HREF= HREFLANG= HSPACE= HTTP-EQUIV=ID= ISMAP=LABEL= LANG= LANGUAGE= LINK= LONGDESC= LOOP=MAILTO= MARGINHEIGHT= MARGINWIDTH= MAXLENGTH= MEDIA= METHOD= MULTIPLE MULTIPLE>NAME= NOHREF NOHREF> NORESIZE NORESIZE> NOSHADE NOSHADE> NOWRAP NOWRAP>OBJECT= ONBLUR= ONCHANGE= ONCLICK= ONDBLCLICK= ONFOCUS= ONKEYDOWN= ONKEYPRESS= ONKEYUP= ONLOAD=ONMOUSEDOWN= ONMOUSEMOVE= ONMOUSEOUT= ONMOUSEOVER= ONMOUSEUP= ONRESET= ONSELECT= ONSUBMIT= ONUNLOAD=PROFILE= PROMPT=READONLY READONLY> REL= REV= ROWS= ROWSPAN= RULES=SCHEME= SCOPE= SCROLLING= SELECTED SELECTED> SHAPE= SIZE= SPAN= SRC= STANDBY= START= STYLE= SUMMARY=TABINDEX= TARGET= TEXT= TITLE= TOPMARGIN= TYPE=URL= USEMAP=VALIGN= VALUE= VALUETYPE= VERSION= VLINK= VSPACE=WIDTH==/C3"Special Characters"á â ´ æ à &alefsym &alpha & &and &ang å &asymp ã ä&bdquo &beta ¦ &bull&cap ç ¸ ¢ &chi &circ &clubs &cong © &crarr &cup ¤&dagger &darr ° &delta &diams ÷é ê è &empty &emsp &ensp &epsilon &equiv &eta ð ë &euro &exist&fnof &forall ½ ¼ ¾ &frasl&gamma &ge >&harr &hearts &hellipí î ¡ ì &image &infin &int &iota ¿ &isin ï&kappa&lambda &lang « &larr &lceil &ldquo &le &lfloor &lowast &loz &lrm &lsaquo &lsquo <¯ &mdash µ · &minus &mu&nabla   &ndash &ne &ni ¬ ¬in &nsub ñ &nu ó ô&oelig ò &oline &omega &omicron &oplus &or ª º ø õ &otimes ö¶ &part &permil &perp &phi &pi &piv ± £ &prime &prod &prop &psi"&radic &rang » &rarr &rceil &rdquo &real ® &rfloor &rho &rlm &rsaquo &rsquo&sbquo &scaron &sdot § ­ &sigma &sigmaf &sim &spades &sub &sube &sum &sup ¹ ² ³ &supe ß&tau &there4 &theta &thetasym &thinsp þ &tilde × &tradeú &uarr û ù ¨ &upsih &upsilon ü&weierp&xiý ¥ ÿ&zeta &zwj ‌/L4"Java" JAVA_LANG Line Comment = // Block Comment On = /* Block Comment Off = */ Escape Char = \ File Extensions = JAV JAVA
/Delimiters = <> , .?/Function String = "%[ ^t]++[ps][a-z]+ [a-z0-9]+ ^(*(*)^)*{$"/Function String 1 = "%[ ^t]++[ps][a-z]+ [a-z0-9]+ ^(*(*)^)[ ^t]++$"/Member String = "^([A-Za-z0-9_:.]+^)[ ^t*&]+$S[ ^t]++[(=);,]"/Variable String = "^([A-Za-z0-9_:.]+^)[ ^t*&]+$S[ ^t]++[(=);,]"/Indent Strings = "{"/Unindent Strings = "}"/Open Brace Strings = "{" "(" "[" "<"/Close Brace Strings = "}" ")" "]" ">"/Open Fold Strings = "{"/Close Fold Strings = "}"/C1"Keywords" STYLE_KEYWORDabstractboolean break bytecase catch char class continuedefault do doubleelse extendsfalse final finally float forif implements import instanceof int interfacelength longnative new nullpackage private protected publicreturnshort static super switch synchronizedthis threadsafe throw throws transient true tryvoidwhile/C2"Classes" STYLE_FUNCTIONAWTError AWTEvent AWTEventMulticaster AWTException AbstractMethodError AccessException Acl AclEntryAclNotFoundException ActionEvent ActionListener Adjustable AdjustmentEvent AdjustmentListener Adler32AlreadyBoundException Applet AppletContext AppletStub AreaAveragingScaleFilter ArithmeticException ArrayArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ArrayStoreException AudioClipBeanDescriptor BeanInfo Beans BigDecimal BigInteger BindException BitSet Boolean BorderLayoutBreakIterator BufferedInputStream BufferedOutputStream BufferedReader BufferedWriter Button ButtonPeerByte ByteArrayInputStream ByteArrayOutputStreamCRC32 Calendar CallableStatement Canvas CanvasPeer CardLayout Certificate CharArrayReader CharArrayWriterCharConversionException Character CharacterIterator Checkbox CheckboxGroup CheckboxMenuItemCheckboxMenuItemPeer CheckboxPeer CheckedInputStream CheckedOutputStream Checksum Choice ChoiceFormatChoicePeer Class ClassCastException ClassCircularityError ClassFormatError ClassLoaderClassNotFoundException Clipboard ClipboardOwner CloneNotSupportedException CloneableCollationElementIterator CollationKey Collator Color ColorModel Compiler Component ComponentAdapterComponentEvent ComponentListener ComponentPeer ConnectException ConnectIOException Connection ConstructorContainer ContainerAdapter ContainerEvent ContainerListener ContainerPeer ContentHandlerContentHandlerFactory CropImageFilter Cursor CustomizerDGC DSAKey DSAKeyPairGenerator DSAParams DSAPrivateKey DSAPublicKey DataFlavor DataFormatExceptionDataInput DataInputStream DataOutput DataOutputStream DataTruncation DatabaseMetaData DatagramPacketDatagramSocket DatagramSocketImpl Date DateFormat DateFormatSymbols DecimalFormat DecimalFormatSymbolsDeflater DeflaterOutputStream Dialog DialogPeer Dictionary DigestException DigestInputStreamDigestOutputStream Dimension DirectColorModel Double Driver DriverManager DriverPropertyInfoEOFException EmptyStackException Enumeration Error Event EventListener EventObject EventQueueEventSetDescriptor Exception ExceptionInInitializerError ExportExceptionFeatureDescriptor Field FieldPosition File FileDescriptor FileDialog FileDialogPeer FileInputStreamFileNameMap FileNotFoundException FileOutputStream FileReader FileWriter FilenameFilter FilterInputStreamFilterOutputStream FilterReader FilterWriter FilteredImageSource Float FlowLayout FocusAdapter FocusEventFocusListener Font FontMetrics FontPeer Format Frame FramePeerGZIPInputStream GZIPOutputStream Graphics GregorianCalendar GridBagConstraints GridBagLayout GridLayoutGroupHashtable HttpURLConnectionIOException Identity IdentityScope IllegalAccessError IllegalAccessException IllegalArgumentExceptionIllegalComponentStateException IllegalMonitorStateException IllegalStateExceptionIllegalThreadStateException Image ImageConsumer ImageFilter ImageObserver ImageProducerIncompatibleClassChangeError IndexColorModel IndexOutOfBoundsException IndexedPropertyDescriptorInetAddress Inflater InflaterInputStream InputEvent InputStream InputStreamReader InsetsInstantiationError InstantiationException Integer InternalError InterruptedExceptionInterruptedIOException IntrospectionException Introspector InvalidClassException InvalidKeyExceptionInvalidObjectException InvalidParameterException InvocationTargetException ItemEvent ItemListenerItemSelectableKey KeyAdapter KeyEvent KeyException KeyListener KeyManagementException KeyPair KeyPairGeneratorLabel LabelPeer LastOwnerException LayoutManager LayoutManager2 Lease LightweightPeerLineNumberInputStream LineNumberReader LinkageError List ListPeer ListResourceBundle LoaderHandler LocaleLocateRegistry LogStream LongMalformedURLException MarshalException Math MediaTracker Member MemoryImageSource Menu MenuBar MenuBarPeerMenuComponent MenuComponentPeer MenuContainer MenuItem MenuItemPeer MenuPeer MenuShortcut MessageDigestMessageFormat Method MethodDescriptor MissingResourceException Modifier MouseAdapter MouseEventMouseListener MouseMotionAdapter MouseMotionListener MulticastSocketNaming NegativeArraySizeException NoClassDefFoundError NoRouteToHostException NoSuchAlgorithmExceptionNoSuchElementException NoSuchFieldError NoSuchFieldException NoSuchMethodError NoSuchMethodExceptionNoSuchObjectException NoSuchProviderException NotActiveException NotBoundException NotOwnerExceptionNotSerializableException NullPointerException Number NumberFormat NumberFormatExceptionObjID Object ObjectInput ObjectInputStream ObjectInputValidation ObjectOutput ObjectOutputStreamObjectStreamClass ObjectStreamException Observable Observer Operation OptionalDataExceptionOutOfMemoryError OutputStream OutputStreamWriter OwnerPaintEvent Panel PanelPeer ParameterDescriptor ParseException ParsePosition Permission PipedInputStreamPipedOutputStream PipedReader PipedWriter PixelGrabber Point Polygon PopupMenu PopupMenuPeerPreparedStatement Principal PrintGraphics PrintJob PrintStream PrintWriter PrivateKey Process PropertiesPropertyChangeEvent PropertyChangeListener PropertyChangeSupport PropertyDescriptor PropertyEditorPropertyEditorManager PropertyEditorSupport PropertyResourceBundle PropertyVetoException ProtocolExceptionProvider ProviderException PublicKey PushbackInputStream PushbackReaderRGBImageFilter RMIClassLoader RMIFailureHandler RMISecurityException RMISecurityManager RMISocketFactoryRandom RandomAccessFile Reader Rectangle Registry RegistryHandler Remote RemoteCall RemoteExceptionRemoteObject RemoteRef RemoteServer RemoteStub ReplicateScaleFilter ResourceBundle ResultSetResultSetMetaData RuleBasedCollator Runnable Runtime RuntimeExceptionSQLException SQLWarning ScrollPane ScrollPanePeer Scrollbar ScrollbarPeer SecureRandom SecuritySecurityException SecurityManager SequenceInputStream Serializable ServerCloneException ServerErrorServerException ServerNotActiveException ServerRef ServerRuntimeException ServerSocket Shape ShortSignature SignatureException Signer SimpleBeanInfo SimpleDateFormat SimpleTimeZone SkeletonSkeletonMismatchException SkeletonNotFoundException Socket SocketException SocketImpl SocketImplFactorySocketSecurityException Stack StackOverflowError Statement StreamCorruptedException StreamTokenizer StringStringBuffer StringBufferInputStream StringCharacterIterator StringIndexOutOfBoundsException StringReaderStringSelection StringTokenizer StringWriter StubNotFoundException SyncFailedException System SystemColorTextArea TextAreaPeer TextComponent TextComponentPeer TextEvent TextField TextFieldPeer TextListenerThread ThreadDeath ThreadGroup Throwable Time TimeZone Timestamp TooManyListenersException ToolkitTransferable TypesUID URL URLConnection URLEncoder URLStreamHandler URLStreamHandlerFactory UTFDataFormatExceptionUnexpectedException UnicastRemoteObject UnknownError UnknownHostException UnknownServiceExceptionUnmarshalException Unreferenced UnsatisfiedLinkError UnsupportedEncodingExceptionUnsupportedFlavorExceptionVMID Vector VerifyError VetoableChangeListener VetoableChangeSupport VirtualMachineError Visibility VoidWindow WindowAdapter WindowEvent WindowListener WindowPeer WriteAbortedException WriterZipEntry ZipException ZipFile ZipInputStream ZipOutputStream/C3"Operators" STYLE_OPERATOR!%&*+-// /<=>^|~/L5"Perl" PERL_LANG Line Comment = # Line Comment Preceding Chars = [~[^]^^$/\(] Escape Char = \ File Extensions = CGI PL PM PLX
/Delimiters = <> ,.?\`//Function String = "%[ ^t]++sub[ ^t]+^([a-zA-Z0-9_]+^)[#]"/Function String 1 = "%[ ^t]++sub[ ^t]+^([a-zA-Z0-9_]+^)[ ^t{^p]"/Function String 2 = "%[ ^t]++sub[ ^t]+^([a-zA-Z0-9_]+^)[ ^t]++(*)[ ^t{^p#]"/Function String 3 = "%[ ^t]++^([a-zA-Z0-9_]+^):[ ^t^p]"/Indent Strings = "{"/Unindent Strings = "}"/Open Brace Strings = "{" "(" "["/Close Brace Strings = "}" ")" "]"/Open Fold Strings = "{"/Close Fold Strings = "}"/C1"Keywords" STYLE_KEYWORD-A -B -C -M -O -R -S -T -W -X -b -c -d -e -f -g -k -l -o -p -r -s -t -u -w -x -zcontinuedoelse elsif exitfor foreachgotoiflast localmynext noourpackageredo require returnsubunless until usewhile/C2"Functions" STYLE_FUNCTIONaccept alarm atan2bind binmode blesscaller chdir chmod chomp chop chown chr chroot close closedir connect cos cryptdbmclose dbmopen defined delete die dumpeach endgrent endhostent endnetent endprotoent endpwent endservent eof eval exec exists expfcntl fileno flock fork format formlinegetc getgrent getgrgid getgrname gethostbyaddr gethostbyname gethostent getlogin getnetbyaddr getnetbynamegetnetent getpeername getpgrp getppid getpriority getprotobyname getprotobynumber getprotoent getpwentgetpwnam getpwuid getservbyname getservbyport getservent getsockname getsockopt glob gmtime grephexindex int ioctljoinkeys killlc lcfirst length link listen localtime log lstatmap mkdir msgctl msgget msgrcv msgsndoct open opendir ordpack pipe pop pos print printf pushquotemetarand read readdir readline readlink recv ref rename reset reverse rewinddir rindex rmdirscalar seek seekdir select semctl semgett semop send setgrent sethostent setnetent setpgrp setprioritysetprotoent setpwent setservent setsockopt shift shmctl shmget shmread shmwrite shutdown sin sleep socketsocketpair sort splice split sprintf sqrt srand stat study substr symlink syscall sysopen sysread systemsyswritetell telldir tie tied time times truncateuc ucfirst umask undef unlink unpack unshift utimevalues vecwait waitpid wantarray warn write/C3"Methods" STYLE_METHODAUTOLOADBEGINCHECK CLEAR CLOSE COREDELETE DESTROYEND EXISTS EXTENDFETCH FETCHSIZE FIRSTKEYGETCINITNEXTKEYPOP PRINT PRINTF PUSHREAD READLINESHIFT SPLICE STORE STORESIZE SUPERTIEARRAY TIEHANDLE TIEHASH TIESCALARUNIVERSAL UNSHIFT UNTIEWRITE__DATA__ __END__ __FILE__ __LINE__ __PACKAGE__attributes attrs autousebase blib bytescharnames constantdiagnosticsfields filetestintegerless lib localeops overloadperllocalresigtrap strict subsutf8varswarnings/C4"Operators" STYLE_OPERATOR!& &&*+ ++- ->// /< <= <=>= => =~> >=^andeqge gtle ltmne notorq qq qw qxstrx xory| ||~/L6"XML" XML_LANG Noquote Block Comment On = <!-- Block Comment Off = --> File Extensions = XML XUL XSD XSL XSLT
/Delimiters = <> ,/Function String = "name=*">"/Open Brace Strings = "{" "(" "[" "<"/Close Brace Strings = "}" ")" "]" ">"/C1"Elements" STYLE_ELEMENT** <<a </a> <abbr> <abbr </abbr> <above> <abstract> </abstract> <acronym> </acronym> <activity> </activity><actor> <actor </actor> <add> <add </add> <addName </addName> <addSpan <addrLine> <address> <address</address> <addressList> </addressList> <admin </admin> <affiliation> </affiliation> <alt <altGrp</altGrp> <analytic> </analytic> <anchor <any> </any> <app> <app </app> <applet </applet> <apply <arc<area </area <arg <argument> </argument> <array> <att> <att </att> <attDef> <attDef </attDef> <attList><attList </attList> <attName> </attName> <attlDecl> <attlDecl </attlDecl> <author> </author> <authority></authority> <availability> <availability </availability><b> <b </b> <back> <back </back> <base <baseWsd <basefont <bdo> </bdo> <bgsound <bibl> <bibl </bibl><biblFull> </biblFull> <biblScope> <biblStruct> <biblStruct </biblStruct> <bicond> </bicond> <big> <big</big> <birth> <birth </birth> <birthDate> <birthPlace> <blink> <blink </blink> <bloc </bloc> <blockquote><blockquote </blockquote> <body> <body </body> <box> </box> <br/> <br> <br <broadcast> </broadcast><button> </button> <byline> </byline><c> <c </c> <caesura> <calEvent> </calEvent> <camera> </camera> <caption> <caption </caption> <case><castGroup> <castGroup </castGroup> <castItem> <castItem </castItem> <castList> </castList> <catDesc></catDesc> <catRef <category </category> <cb> <cb <cell> <cell </cell> <center> <center </center><certainty <cf> </cf> <change> <change </change> <channel </channel> <character> <character </character><characters> </characters> <children/> <children> <children <cit> </cit> <cite> <cite </cite> <city></city> <cl> <cl </cl> <class> <class </class> <classCode <classDecl> </classDecl> <classDoc> <classDoc</classDoc> <classes> <classes </classes> <closer> </closer> <code> <code </code> <codedCharSet><codedCharSet <col> </col> <colgroup> 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JavaObject JavaPackageLayer LinkMath MimeTypeNavigator NumberObject OptionPackages Password Plugin PrivilegeManagerRandom RegExpSelect String SubmitText TextareaURL UltraEditVBArrayWScript WindowactiveDocumentscreen/C3"Methods and Properties" STYLE_METHODActiveXObjectE EchoFromPointHandleEventLN10 LN2 LOG10E LOG2E LinksMAX_VALUE MIN_VALUENEGATIVE_INFINITY NaNPI POSITIVE_INFINITYSQRT1_2 SQRT2TYPEUTCabove abs acos action activeElement alert alinkColor all altKey anchor anchors appCodeName appNameappVersion applets apply arguments arity asin assign atan atan2 atob availHeight availLeft availTopavailWidthback background below bgColor big blink blur bold border borderWidths bottom btoa buttoncall callee caller cancelBubble captureEvents ceil charAt charCodeAt charset checked children classNameclasses clear clearInterval clearTimeout click clientInformation clientX clientY close closed colorDepthcompile complete concat confirm constructir contains contextual cookie cos crypto ctrlKey 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ItemClick ItemReloaded ItemRemovedItemRenamed ItemSeletectedKeyDown KeyPress KeyUpLeaveCell LegendActivated LegendSelected LegendUpdated LinkClose LinkError LinkNotify LinkOpen LoadLostFocusMouseDown MouseMove MouseUpNodeClickObjectMove OLECompleteDrag OLEDragDrop OLEDragOver OLEGiveFeedback OLESetData OLEStartDrag OnAddNew OnCommOnEnd OnStartPaint PanelClick PanelDblClick PathChange PatternChange PlotActivated PlotSelected PlotUpdatedPointActivated PointLabelActivated PointLabelSelected PointLabelUpdated PointSelected PointUpdatedPowerQuerySuspend PowerResume PowerStatusChanged PowerSuspendQueryChangeConfig QueryComplete QueryCompleted QueryTimeout QueryUnloadReadProperties Redirect Reposition RequestChangeFileName RequestWriteFile Resize ResultsChangedRowColChange RowCurrencyChange RowResize RowStatusChangedSelChange SelectionChanged SendComplete SendProgress SeriesActivated SeriesSelected SeriesUpdatedSettingChanged SplitChange StateChanged StatusUpdate SysColorsChangedTerminate TimeChanged TitleActivated TitleSelectedUnboundAddData UnboundDeleteRow UnboundGetRelativeBookmark UnboundReadData UnboundWriteData Unload UpClickUpdatedValidate ValidationErrorWillAssociate WillChangeData WillDissociate WillExecute WillUpdateRows WriteProperties/C5"VBStatements" STYLE_STATEMENTAppActivateBase BeepCall Case ChDir ChDrive ConstDefBool DefByte DefCur DefDate DefDbl DefDec DefInt DefLng DefObj DefSng DefStr Deftype DefVarDeleteSetting Dim DoElse ElseIf End Enum Erase Event Exit ExplicitFileCopy For ForEach FunctionGet GoSub GoToIf ImplementsKillLet LineInput Lock LSetMkDirName NextOn OnError OptionPrivate Property Public PutRaiseEvent Randomize ReDim Reset Resume Return RmDir RSetSavePicture SaveSetting SendKeys SetAttr Static Step SubThen To TypeUnlockWend While Width With/C6"Objects"ApplicationClientCertificate CookiesFormObjectContextQueryStringRequest ResponseServer ServerVariables Session/C7"Constants"CDROMFalse Fixed ForAppending ForReading ForWritingRAMDisk Remote RemovableTrueUnknownvbArray vbBinaryCompare vbBlack vbBlue vbBoolean vbByte vbCr vbCrLf vbCurrency vbCyan vbDataObject vbDatevbDecimal vbDouble vbEmpty vbError vbFalse vbFirstFourDays vbFirstFullWeek vbFirstJan1 vbFormFeed vbFridayvbGeneralDate vbGreen vbInteger vbLf vbLong vbLongDate vbLongTime vbMagenta vbMonday vbNewLine vbNullvbNullChar vbNullString vbObject vbObjectError vbRed vbSaturday vbShortDate vbShortTime vbSingle vbStringvbSunday vbTab vbTextCompare vbThursday vbTrue vbTuesday vbUseSystem vbUseSystemDayOfWeek vbVariantvbVerticalTab vbWednesday vbWhite vbYellow/L11"CSS" CSS_LANG Nocase Noquote Block Comment On = /* Block Comment Off = */ File Extensions = CSS
/Delimiters = ,.:; { }/C1"HTML Tags"A ABOVE ACTIVE ADDRESS APPLET AREA ARRAYB BASE BASEFONT BGSOUND BIG BLOCKQUOTE BODY BRCAPTION CITE CODEDD DFN DIR DIV DL DTEM EMBEDFIG FIRST-LETTER FIRST-LINE FORM FRAME FRAMESETH H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 HEAD HR HTMLI IMG INPUT ISINDEXKBDLI LINKMAP MARQUEE MENU METANEXTID NOBR NOFRAMES NOSCRIPT NOTEOL OPTIONP PRERANGE ROOTSAMP SCRIPT SELECT SOUND SPAN SQRT STRIKE STRONG STYLE SUPTABLE TD TEXT TEXTAREA TH TITLE TR TTU ULVAR VISITEDWBR/C2"CSS Properties"background background-attachment background-color background-image background-position background-repeatborder border-bottom border-bottom-color border-bottom-style border-bottom-width border-color border-left border-left-color border-left-style border-left-top border-left-widthborder-right border-right-color border-right-style border-right-width border-spacing border-style border-top border-top-color border-top-style border-top-width border-widthclear colordisplayfloat font font-family font-size font-style font-variant font-weightheightletter-spacing line-height list-style list-style-image list-style-position list-style-typemargin margin-bottom margin-left margin-right margin-toppadding padding-bottom padding-left padding-right padding-toptext-align text-decoration text-indent text-transformvertical-alignwhite-space width word-spacing/C3"CSS Values"aqua autobaseline black blink block blue bold bolder both bottomcapitalize center circle cursivedashed decimal disc dotted doublefantasy fixed fuchsiagray green grooveinline inset inside italicjustifylarge larger left lighter lime line-through list-item lower-alpha lower-roman lowercasemaroon medium middle monospacenavy no-repeat none normal nowrapoblique olive outset outside overlinepurplered repeat repeat-x repeat-y rgb ridge rightsans-serif scroll serif silver small small-caps smaller solid square sub superteal text-bottom text-top thick thin top transparentunderline upper-alpha upper-roman uppercase urlwhitex-large x-small xx-large xx-smallyellow/L12"Ruby" Line Comment Num = 2# Block Comment On = =begin Block Comment Off = =end String Chars='" Escape Char = \ File Extensions = rb rbw
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stop stop? store strftime strip strip! sub sub! succ succ! superclass swapcase swapcase!symlink symlink? sync sync= synchronize syscall syscopy sysread system syswritetaint tainted? tell terminate test throw timeout times to_a to_ary to_f to_i to_io to_proc to_r to_sto_str today tr tr! tr_s tr_s! trace_var trap truncate try_lock tty? tv_sec tv_usec typeuid uid= umask undef_method ungetc uniq uniq! unlink unlock unpack unshift untaint untrace_var upcaseupcase! update upto usec utc utc? utimevalue? values varwait wait2 waitpid waitpid2 wakeup wday weakref_alive? writable? writable_real? writeyday yearzero? zone| |=~/C6"Ruby Library Methods"Calla accept add_observer addr allbase bind binmode= blockquotecaption changed changed? checkbox checkbox_group cmd code connect const_load content_type cookiescount_observersdebug_mode debug_mode= delete_observer delete_observers dir do_not_reverse_lookup do_not_reverse_lookup=escapeElement escapeHTMLfile_field for_fd formgetaddress getaddrinfo getbinaryfile gethostbyaddr gethostbyname gethostname getnameinfo getpeernamegetservbyname getsockname getsockopt gettextfilehead header hidden htmlimg img_button invokelastresp listen local_path login lookup_order lookup_order= lsmails message_loop multipart_formnotify_observerson_event original_filename outpair params parse passive passive= password_field peeraddr popup_menu port post pretty putbinaryfileputtextfileradio_button radio_groupready recv recvfrom reset resume resume= retrbinary retrlinew return_coderfc1123_datescrolling_list sendmail setsockopt shutdown socketpair storbinary storlines submittelnetmode telnetmode= text_field textarea topuidl unescape unescapeElement unescapeHTMLwaitfor welcome/C7"Variables"** &a &b &c &d &e &f &g &h &i &j &k &l &m &n &o &p &q &r &s &t &u &v &w &x &y &z** @a @b @c @d @e @f @g @h @i @j @k @l @m @n @o @p @q @r @s @t @u @v @w @x @y @z@@a @@b @@c @@d @@e @@f @@g @@h @@i @@j @@k @@l @@m @@n @@o @@p @@q @@r @@s @@t @@u @@v @@w @@x @@y @@z/C8"Constant/Global/Symbol"** $ : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z/L13"MySQL 5.1" Nocase Line Comment = # Block Comment On = /* Block Comment Off = */ File Extensions = SQL
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Words"bigint blobchardatetime decimal double doubleprecisionenumfloat float4 float8int int1 int2 int3 int4 int8 integerlong longblob longtextmediumblob mediumint mediumtext middleintnumericrealsmallinttext time timestamp tinyint tinytext tinyblobvarbinary varchar varying/C3"Reserved Words"accessible add all alter analyze and as asc asensitivebefore between bigint both bycall cascade change character check column condition constraint continue convert create cross current_date current_timecurrent_timestamp current_user cursor database databases day_hour day_microsecond day_minute day_second dec declare default delayed delete desc describe deterministicdistinct distinctrow drop dual each elseif enclosed escaped exists exit explain false fetch for force foreign from fulltext functiongrant group having high_priority hour_microsecond hour_minute hour_second if ignore index infile inner inout insensitive insert interval into iterate join key keys killleading leave left limit linear lines load localtime localtimestamp lock loop low_priority match minute_microsecond minute_second modifies natural no_write_to_binlog nullon optimize option optionally order out outer outfile precision primary procedure purge range read reads read_only read_write real references release rename repeat replace require restrict return revoke right rlike schema schemas second_microsecond select sensitive separator set show spatial specific sql sqlexception sqlstate sqlwarning sql_big_resultsql_calc_found_rows sql_small_result ssl starting straight_join table terminated to trailing trigger true undo union unique unlock unsigned update usage use using utc_date utc_time utc_timestamp values varcharacter where while with writex509year_monthzerofill/C4"Operators"!%&*+-/:<=>andbetween binarycollatedivin isorwhenxor^|~ /L14"ASM" Nocase Line Comment = ; File Extensions = ASM INC DEF/Delimiters = ~!%&^*()-+=|\/{}[]:;"'<> , /Function String = "^(%[a-zA-Z_@?$]+[ ^t]^)+proc+[ ^t^p]"/C1"Opcodes"aaa aad aam aas adc add and arplbound bsf bsr bswap bt btc btr call cbw cwd cdq clc cld cli clts cmc cmova cmovae cmovb cmovbe cmovc cmove cmovg cmovge cmovl cmovle cmovna cmovnae cmovnb cmovnbe cmovnc cmovne cmovngcmovnge cmovnl cmovnle cmovno cmovnp cmovns cmovnz cmovo cmovpo cmovs comvzcmp cmpsb cmpsd cmpxchg cmpxchg8b cpuid daa das dec div dbld dbstpemms enter f2xm1 fabs fadd faddp fiadd fchs fclex fnclex fcmovb fcmove fcmovbe fcmovufcmovnb fcmovne fcmovnbe fcmovnu fcom fcomp fcompp fcomi fcomip fcos fdecstp fdiv fdivp fidiv fdivr fdivrp fidivr ffree ficom ficomp fild fincstp finit fninitfist fistp fld fld1 fldl2t fld2e fldpi fldlg2 fldln2 fldz fldcq fldenvfmul fmulp fimul fnop fpatan fprem fprem1 fptan frndint frstor fsave fnsavefscale fsin fsincos fsqrt fst fstp fstcw fnstcw fstenv fnstenv fstsw fnstsw fsubfsubp fisub fsubr fsubrp fisubr ftst fucom fucomp fucompp fxam fxch fxtractfyl2x fyl2xp1hltidiv imul in inc ins int into invd invlpg iretdja jae jbe jc jecxz je jg jge jl jle jne jno jns jojpe 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st(6) st(7)mm0 mm1 mm2 mm3 mm4 mm5 mm6 mm7xmm0 xmm1 xmm2 xmm3 xmm4 xmm5 xmm6 xmm7/C3"Reserved words 1".CODE .CONST .CONTINUE .CREF.DATA .DATA?.ERR .ERRB .ERRNB .ERRDEF .ERRNDEF .ERRDIF .ERRIDN .ERRE .ERRNZ .ELSE .ELSEIF.ENDIF .ENDW .UNTIL.IF.LIST .LISTALL .LISTIF .LISTMACRO .LISTMACROALL.MODEL .NOLIST .NOLISTIF .NOLISTMACRO.RADIX .REPEAT .TFCOND.WHILEALIGN ASSUMEBREAK COMMENT CASEMAP DOTNAME NODOTNAMEECHO END ENDM EQU ENDP EXITM EXTERNDEF EXTERN EMULATOR EPILOGUE EXPR16 EXPR32 ENDS ENDIF ENDWFOR FORCGOTOIF INCLUDE INCLUDELIB INVOKE LABEL LOCAL LJMP LANGUAGE MACRO NOREADONLY NOSCOPED NOLJMP NOEMULATOR NOKEYWORD NOSIGNEXTENDOPTION OFFSET ORGPROLOGUE PROC PROC PROTO PUBLIC PURGE PUSHCONTEXT POPCONTEXT READONLY RECORD REPEATSCOPED SEGMENT STRUCTTYPEDEF TEXTEQUUNION USES WHILE/C4"Reserved words 2"ADDRBYTECATSTRINSTRDUP DB DW DD DF DQ DT DWORD FWORD HIGH HIGHWORDLOW LOWWORD LENGTHOF LENGTH LROFFSETMASKNULLOFFSET OPATTRPTRQWORD REAL4 REAL8 REAL10 SIZEOF SIZE SHORT SIZESTR SUBSTR SBYTE SWORD SDWORD STDCALLTHIS TYPE TBYTEWIDTH WORD/C5"Operators"!%&*+,-// /> =< | /L15"Python" Line Comment = # Escape Char = \ File Extensions = PY PYW/Indent Strings = ":"/Function String 1 = "%[ ,^t]++def[ ]+^([a-zA-Z0-9_]+*^):"/Function String 2 = "%[ ,^t]++^(class[ ]+[a-zA-Z0-9_]+*^):"/Delimiters = []{}()<>="'.,:+@/C1"Reserved Words"and as assertbreakclass continuedef delelif else except execfinally for fromglobalif import in islambdanotor objectpass printraise range returntrywhileyield/C2"Built-in Functions"__import__abs applybasestring bool buffercallable chr classmethod cmp coerce compile complexdelattr dict dir divmodenumerate eval execfileEllipsisfile filter float frozensetFalsegetattr globals grouphasattr hash help hexid input int intern isinstance issubclass iterjoinfieldslen list local longmap match max minNone NotImplementedoct open ordpow propertyraw_input reduce reload repr roundsearch set setattr slice sorted str splitfieldstuple typeTrueunichr 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intersection_update isalnum isalpha isatty isdigit islower isspace issubset issuperset istitle isupper items iteritems iterkeys itervaluesjoinkeysljust lower lstripnextpop popitemread readline readlines remove replace reverse rfind rindex rjust rsplit rstripseek setdefault sort split splitlines startswith strip swapcase symmetric_difference symmetric_difference_updatetell title translate truncateunion update uppervalueswrite writelineszfill/C4"__Attributes__"__author____bases____class____dict__ __doc____email____methods__ __members____name____slots____version__/C5"Exceptions"ArithmeticError AssertionError AttributeErrorDeprecationWarningEnvironmentError EOFError ExceptionFloatingPointError FutureWarningImportError IndentationError IndexError IOError KeyboardInterrupt KeyErrorLookupErrorMemoryErrorNameError NotImplementedErrorOSError OverflowWarning OverflowErrorPendingDeprecationWarningReferenceError RuntimeError RuntimeWarningStandardError StopIteration SyntaxError SyntaxWarning SystemError SystemExitTabError TypeErrorUnboundLocalError UnicodeError UnicodeDecodeError UnicodeEncodeError UnicodeTranslateError UserWarningValueErrorWarning WindowsErrorZeroDivisionError/C6"Operators"+= -= %= /= **= &= |= ^= >>= <<=/C7"Common Libs"__builtin____future____main__aepack aetools aetypes aifc al anydbm applesingle atexit array asyncore asynchat audioop autoGILAL AST base64 binascii binhex bisect bsddb buildtools bz2BaseHTTPServer Bastioncalendar cd cfmfile cgi cgitb chunk cmath cmd code codecs codeop collections colorsys commands compileall cookielib copy_reg cPickle cStringIO csv cursesCarbon CGIHTTPServer ColorPicker Complex ConfigParser Cookiedatetime dbhash decimal difflib dircache dircmp dis distutils dl doctest dospath dumbdbm dummy_thread dummy_threadingDEVICE DocXMLRPCServeremacs email encodings errno exceptionsEasyDialogsfcntl filecmp fileinput findertools fl flp fm fmt fnmatch formatter fpectl fpformat ftplibFL FrameWorkgc gdbm gensuitemodule getopt getpass gettext gl glob gopherlib grep gzipGLheapq hmac hotshot htmlentitydefs htmllib httplibHTMLParseric icopen ihooks imaplib imageop imghdr imp imputil inspect itertoolsjpegkeywordlinecache locale lockfile loggingmac macerrors macfs macostools macpath macresource macurl2path mailbox mailcap marshal md5 mhlib mimetools mimetypes mimify mmap multifile mutex mathMacOS MimeWriter MiniAEFramenetrc new newdir ni nis nntplib nsremote ntpath nturl2pathoperator optparse os ossaudiodevparser pdb pgdb pickle pickletools pipes pkgutil platform poly popen2 poplib posixfile posixpath pprint profile pstats py_compile pyclbr pydoc pyexpat pythonprefsPara PixMapWrapperquietconsole quopriQueuerand random re regex regsub resource rexec rfc822 rgbimg rlcompleter robotparser rotorsched select sets sgmllib sha shelve shlex shutil signal site smtpd smtplib sndhdr snmp socket stat statcache statvfs string stringprep struct subprocess sunau symbol sys syslogScrolledText SimpleHTTPServer SimpleXMLRPCServer StringIO SocketServertabnanny tarfile tb telnetlib tempfile termios test textwrap thread threading time timeit toaiff token tokenize traceback tty turtle types tzparseTERMIOS Tix Tkinterunicodedata unittest urllib urllib2 urlparse user util uuUserDict UserList UserStringvideoreaderwarnings waste wave weakref webbrowser whatsound whichdb whrandom winsoundxdrlib xml xmllib xmlpackage xmlrpclibzipfile zlib zmod/C8"Others"arrayclsfnmatchstruct self